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What's Happening

What's happening in the industry is important to help you make decisions and find a trusted partner for your projects.

At Centaur, we make sure that you get the relevant news and make the right choices for all your turf needs.

Rain Bird IC System at Royal Venue

Hoiana Shores Hails Rain Bird IC System

Rave Reviews for Rain Bird IC System

Harnessing the Power of Data with Soil Scout

New Foley Grinder in the Spotlight

DryJect Appoints Centaur as Distributor

Envu Places Trust in Centaur Asia Pacific

CapillaryFlow’s Centaur Collaboration

Centaur’s 21st Birthday Celebrations

Rain Bird Partners with Pinehurst Resort

Capillary Wash Box Fixes Bunker Problems

Adama Centaur Alliance for Cutting-Edge Solutions

Centaur Showcases Robotics’ Capabilities

Updated on 10 October 2024